The Hinge Theorem

What is the Hinge Theorem?

Suppose you take two sticks (not necessarily of the same lengths), hinge them at a common end, and attach a rubber band at the other ends.  Then you can open and close them to form triangles as the following illustrates: 


When comparing two triangles with two pairs of congruent sides, you see that the triangle with the larger angle between those sides has the larger third side, and conversely:

This result is known as:

The Hinge Theorem

If in  and ,  and  then  if and only if .

The result is rather obvious if you think of the rubber band idea, and we will not prove it here.  Instead we will consider some examples.



Example 1:

If  is the median of  and , then it follows from the Hinge Theorem that , and therefore :

Example 2: 

If  is equilateral, , and , it follows from the Hinge Theorem that sides  and  are shorter than the equal sides ,  and .  This is because  and  so each measures less than 60o.  Therefore  is the largest angle in , which makes side  the largest side in that triangle.

Example 3:

Jan and Jon are hikers.  They start at the visitor center and walk in opposite directions for 2 miles.  Then Jan turns to her right at an angle of 20o, and Jon turns to his right at an angle of 30o.  They each continue hiking for another mile and a half when both stop to rest.  Who is farther (as the crow flies) from the visitor center?



Draw the segments from each person's final position to the visitor center, and find the supplementary angles formed by their turning angles.  Then you have two triangles, and , with  and :


Since , it follows from the Hinge Theorem that , so Jan is farther from the visitor center.