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Description |
PowerPoint presentaion on Functions |
This presentation can be downloaded to review or use. It contains one sound for the "function machine." When it opens in a new window, you can advance the presentation by clicking the mouse or using the right arrow. |
Worksheet on Functions |
This worksheet should be used after the PowerPoint presentation on Functions. The problems involve some discovery. |
Worksheet on Unit Analysis |
This worksheet explains unit analysis and provides practice with the concepts. |
Worksheet #1 on Word Problems |
This worksheet covers word problems that can be solved using a single variable. |
Worksheet: Review of Chapter 1 |
This worksheet is a review of McDougal-Littell Chapter 1. |
Test on Chapter 1 |
This is a test I used at the end of McDougal-Littell Chapter 1. |
Systems of Linear Equations |
A lesson with audio showing how to use my "Matrix Row-Reducer" to solve a system of linear equations. |
Matrix Row-Reducer |
A java-scipt tool students can use by setting up an augmented matrix to solve linear equations by Gauss' method of reducing rows. |
Finding Inverse |
Video lesson on how to use the Matrix Row-Reducer to find the inverse of a matrix |
Computing Determinants |
Video lesson on how to use the Matrix Row-Reducer to compute the determinant of a matrix |
Worksheet #1 on Matrices |
This worksheet should be used in conjunction with a graphing calculator with matrix operations. The problems involve some discovery. |
Worksheet #2 on Matrices |
This worksheet should be used in conjunction with a graphing calculator with matrix operations. Covers various properties of matrices, including Cramer's Rule and using inverses to solve systems of equations. |
Worksheet #2 on Word Problems |
This worksheet covers word problems that can be solved using a system of linear equations and matrices. A graphing calculator with matrix operations should be used. |
Lesson and Worksheet on Forbidden Errors |
This lesson-worksheet explores some common errors that lead to serious misunderstandings about algebraic notation. |
Worksheet: Transformations |
This worksheet should be used in conjunction with a graphing calculator. It begins with transformations of the absolute value graph and ends with transformations of graphs of functions in general. |
Worksheet: Complex Numbers |
Definition of i, graphing complex numbers, norm (absolution value), operations on complex numbers. |
Roots and Graph of a Quadratic Equation |
A java-based demonstration illustrating the relationship between roots of a quadratic equation and x-intercepts of its corresponding graph. This demonstration includes imaginary roots graphed on the complex plane. |
Worksheet #1 on Quadratics |
Graphing quadratic functions and using graphs to solve quadratic equations. |
Worksheet #2 on Quadratics |
Simplifying and factoring quadratic expressions, solving quadratic equations by factoring. |
Worksheet #3 on Quadratics |
Simplifying expressions containing square roots. |
Worksheet #4 on Quadratics |
Simplifying expressions containing imaginary numbers, solving quadratic equations in completed-square form. |
Worksheet #5 on Quadratics |
Quadritic formula, FOIL, the discriminant, applications of quadratic equations. Includes explanations of main concepts. |
Worksheet #6 on Quadratics |
Solving by Completion of Square, Vertex Form, Standard Form, and Intercept Form of quadratic functions |